
Tehsildar Written Test

  • Subject : Tehsildar Written
  • Type : Written
  • Total Mark : 60
  • Pass Mark Percentage: 50%
  • Exam Fee : 100 PKR
  • Category : Tehsildar Entry Test
  • Total Question : 1
  • Pass Mark : 30
  • Total Time : 100 Minutes


The Tehsildar Written Test is the initial phase of our examination process. It assesses candidates on their written communication skills, comprehension abilities, and language proficiency. This test includes the following components:

1.    100-Word Paragraph: Candidates are required to construct a coherent 100-word paragraph on a given topic. This task evaluates their ability to express thoughts concisely and coherently.

2.    Comprehension Paragraph with 4 Questions: This segment measures the candidate's reading comprehension skills. A paragraph is provided, followed by four questions that require critical analysis and understanding of the given text.

3.    Translating a Paragraph from Urdu to English: Language proficiency is a crucial requirement for Tehsildars. This section assesses the candidate's ability to translate a paragraph from Urdu to English accurately, evaluating their linguistic skills.


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